Oriana Marín

In humanity’s childhood, when we were only beginning to investigate and examine, it was assumed the existence of a fantasy world. In this belong all kinds of creatures, dreamed, invented, exaggerated, and even real but misunderstood. In the latter category fit some humans.

Later in the History, when they are no longer considered inhabitants of nightmares and fantasies, these individuals of the human race were called freaks, rare, even monstrosities, nature’s errors, they were discriminated with cruelty, by a deep-rooted tendency to abhor what does not belong to the ordinary. They began to popularize freakshows, shows, in general carnivalesque, where this different beings were displayed as exotic objects. For some of them this was the only opportunity to get a livelihood, others knew no other life, because, while we were still babies, they were abandoned or sold to circuses that visited the cities. Although people made them feel like aberrations that had no place in the world, many of them found in these shows a pleasure, pleasure of being what they are, to show and not hide.

This project was created because of a persistent interest in these begins. "Anomalary number one" is a first approach to this world. From my research I made a selection of characters that awakened my admiration. Especially one, Stephan Bibrowski, the lion man. He was a man from Poland who people called Lionel, the lion boy. He had a full and exceptional life from birth to death. His life showed that there was no needed to be "normal".

Constantly inquiring the “why” of this persevering fascination, I then found a familiar feeling. That of alienation. Alienation in very specific aspects throughout my life. Revealing the source of everything: my childhood and the influence of my parents in it. This discovery led me to others. During this stage of my life, I was accompanied by this feeling that identified just now. I felt like these anomalous, strange and isolated beings. Although with a partner who begins as hero, and then, when discovering in him the same feeling of strangeness, it is formed a brotherhood with him: my father. In the work "Anomalary", as family portraits, you see, in chronological order, the evolution of the main character (daughter) to a less uncomfortable state.

"Anomalary Number Two" is the last part of this series. In this work I refer to childhood again. This time from the portraits of children who have or have had this anomalous life. They are starting so far in the world, they are a story untold. They have still an empirical way of knowing, an innocence about all things. The events that happen to them and the paths they take will determine their future. Therefore they have that hope which gives them the possibility of becoming, by its anomalies, extraordinary beings who lead a peaceful life and not full of frustration.